Westminster, MD, Thursday, April 23, 2020 – Today, in Open Session, the Carroll County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to release the final $93,000 available for the Carroll County Small Business COVID-19 Emergency Relief Grant Fund. The $93,000 will be available to assist 74 additional Carroll County small businesses, including sole proprietors and home-based business. All recipients of the grant funds must be in good standing with the State of Maryland and Carroll County. The application portal is anticipated to open next week. |
Combined with phase 1 of $500,000, phase 2 of $250,000, the total fund increases to $843,000 to offer working capital to assist 674 Carroll County small businesses, sole proprietors and home-based businesses with disrupted operations due to COVID-19. Grant assistance is intended to provide interim relief to businesses while complementing actions taken with their bank, business interruption insurance, financial institution, as well as federal and state partners. |
The formal process for the grant for these businesses will be established and the county and Department of Economic Development will announce more information as plans are finalized. Interested businesses should watch for information via the Department of Economic Development website at www.carrollbiz.org, sign up for Carroll Connect and Carroll County Economic Development e-news. |