Maryland Back to Business Guidance

General Guidance  on re-opening, as well as new sector specific best practices for accommodations, construction and development, and personal services. Previously published guidances also for manufacturing, golf, marinas, and retail.
OSHA COVID-19 resources for businesses:
The information includes links to interim guidance (including OSHA enforcement policies) and other resources for preventing exposures to, and infection with, the novel coronavirus.
USDA Loan Guarantees for Rural Businesses and Ag Producers:
Under the CARES Act, USDA will be making available up to $1 billion in loan guarantees to help rural businesses meet their working capital needs during the coronavirus pandemic. Program information here.
Last Call for Rural Maryland Council grant opportunities:
The Fiscal Year 2021 Grant Cycle Phase 1 – Letter of Intent for the Maryland Agricultural Education and Rural Development Assistance Fund (MAERDAF) and the Rural Prosperity Investment Fund (RMPIF) closes Friday, May 29th. 
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