“Serving Chamber Members as the Trusted Energy Advisor since 2003”
Dear Chamber Member:
As part of an ongoing effort to provide value to our members, The Carroll County Chamber of Commerce, partnered with energy experts CQI Associates, are happy to announce the Fall 2015 enrollment campaign for the Commercial Energy Co-op.
Enrollment Start Date: Aug. 24 / End Date: Sept. 25, 2015.
With over twenty years of experience, CQI Associates feels the window of opportunity to obtain lower market rates is over the next 90 days. Several factors are cause for concern about the market rates into 2016:
- Presidential elections historically cause uncertainty in the markets with the potential for increases next summer prior to the election. This situation not only occurs up to Election Day but six months after.
- Capacity charges have increased over the last several months with a steady increase projected for next two years.
- State of Maryland has continued to increase the Mandatory Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard. For 2016 the Mandatory Renewable Energy component will increase to 15.2%, and will continue to increase through 2022 to 20%. These increases can have an impact on the cost of your electricity supply.
- The conversion of coal fired power plants to natural gas continues to stress the market. Natural gas prices are increasing on average 2% to 4% per year over the next three years. With a limited number of new plants scheduled to open over the same time frame, electricity supply will continue to decrease resulting in higher market rates.
- OPEC’s strategy to maintain low oils prices to further force world-wide competition out of the market has resulted in reduced U.S. production. Further closings of drill sites will make the U.S. energy market vulnerable to any negative developments that occur in the Middle East.
Based on these conditions and CQI Associates twenty years of experience, we feel the window of opportunity to obtain lower market rates is over the next 90 days.
There are NO FEES to participate. One application covers ALL of your electricity and natural gas accounts for ALL locations.
If you have any questions contact Joe Tabeling with CQI Associates at joe@cqiassociates.com or call 443-472-3870.